This explains how to create additional parts to assessment. Parts are often used to set up random question sets that pull questions from question pools.
Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the Tool Menu in your site.
Parts may be added to any assessment. Select an existing assessment or create a new one.
Type a title into the text box provided.
Note: If the part title is marked as the Default, the title will not appear to assessment takers.
Use the text box provided to type Information about the created part.
Note: To edit with the Rich Text Editor, click the hyperlink to open the full menu.
Click Add Attachments to browse for and select a file attachment if desired.
Choose the option to author questions one-on-one or select random draw from question pool.
Select the radio button to order the questions As listed on Assessment Questions page, or to order them Random within Part.
Note: Point values entered here override any value that was specified for individual questions in the corresponding Question Pool.
Enter Metadata, such as the objective, keyword, and rubric, into the text boxes provided.
Click Save to save the question (or Cancel to exit).